

  • At Mediworld, we offer the best orthopedic surgeries and perform bone and joint replacement surgeries as well with the most accurate techniques.
  • Our surgeons check for common orthopaedic diseases and conditions of the patients. Moreover, the treatment that is provided is based on observation.
  • There are several units for traumatology, which includes treatment for dislocations and fractures.
  • We are one of those top hospitals that have a specialized orthopaedic unit, which has a whole range of orthopaedics.
  • Our unit for physical therapy provides rehabilitation and pain management with the use of sophisticated equipment.

In terms of treatment, here are some of the treatments provides by us:

  • Arthroscopic surgery

Hip arthroscopy

Hey hole surgeries for knee, shoulder, and elbow

Management of open fractures

Limb lengthening

  • Spinal surgery

Disc surgery

Microsurgery for disc

Surgery for spinal tuberculosis

  • Arthritis care

Infective arthritis

Traumatic arthritis


Tracking Outcomes

We provide high-quality and evidence care treatment that has helped us in saving more lives within less time. Our safe care for customers includes proactively looking at processes to improve safety.

Quality assurance is important because some studies have shown that hospitals can do better jobs. There are both process indicators and outcome indicators to measure the quality. Over the years, we have set a benchmark for monitoring clinical performances outcomes. We operate through the following:

  • We have experience of your condition.
  • Can track the performance of your health.
  • Improve our quality of care most of the time.
  • We have stringent policies and protocols.
  • Make use of quality control indicators.